RaspEX Linux for Raspberry Pi 3 Gets Kodi Media Center, Bluetooth Support

RaspEX Linux for Raspberry Pi 3 Gets Kodi Media Center, Bluetooth Support


RaspEX Build 160331 arrives today as a free upgrade for existing users, and includes the Kodi media center software, Wicd network manager, Mozilla Firefox web browser, VNC4Server VNC connection manager, Samba file sharing tool, PulseAudio sound server, and Bluetooth support.
Please note that the Kodi (formerly XBMC Media Center) software comes as an alternative to the LXDE desktop environment, which is installed by default in the RaspEX Linux distribution. Additionally, RaspEX Build 160331 now features a new kernel.
Just like previous builds, the system remains based on the Debian GNU/Linux 8.3 (Jessie) and Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) operating systems, and contains various components and package from Linaro open-source software for ARM processors.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/raspex-linux-for-raspberry-pi-3-gets-kodi-media-center-bluetooth-support-502439.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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