ubuntuBSD 15.10 Beta 5 Out Now to Fix a Hang Issue for...

ubuntuBSD 15.10 Beta 5 Out Now to Fix a Hang Issue for the Thunar File Manager


ubuntuBSD developer Jon Boden has announced that the fifth Beta build of the upcoming ubuntuBSD 15.10 operating system is ready for public testing.
ubuntuBSD 15.10 Beta 5 comes hot on the heels of the fourth Beta release announced a few days ago, on April 7, 2016, bringing bug fixes for some hang issues reported by users in the Thunar file manager. Check the Launchpad bug report for more details on that.
Early adopters can help Mr. Boden discover bugs and issues in the ubuntuBSD operating system. Please report bugs on the Launchpad website.
When testing ubuntuBSD, please try to keep in mind that it is still a pre-release version of the operating system, not suitable for deployment in production environments. Also, note that the ISO image will not run in live mode, for now.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntubsd-15-10-beta-5-out-now-to-fix-a-hang-issue-for-the-thunar-file-manager-502771.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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