elementary OS 0.4 “Loki” to Be Based on Ubuntu 16.04, Promises Big...

elementary OS 0.4 “Loki” to Be Based on Ubuntu 16.04, Promises Big New Features


Now that Canonical has launched its most anticipated Ubuntu release, the Xenial Xerus, a.k.a. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, it looks like the elementary OS community has flooded the forums with questions about the release date of the elementary OS 0.4 “Loki” operating system, which has now been finally confirmed as being based on Ubuntu 16.04.
elementary OS 0.4 “Loki” is coming, and it promises big new features, which have not yet been revealed by the team of hard-working people behind what was previously known as the “most beautiful Linux distro.” However, we do know there’ll be better HiDPI support and, of course, the integration of the Birdie Twitter client.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/elementary-os-0-4-loki-to-be-based-on-ubuntu-16-04-promises-big-new-features-503536.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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