Black Lab Software Announces Black Lab Cloudbook PC as a Chromebook Replacement

Black Lab Software Announces Black Lab Cloudbook PC as a Chromebook Replacement


Black Lab NetOS is the company’s brand-new cloud-oriented, Web-centric Linux kernel-based operating system, which Black Lab Software considers is the perfect ChromeOS replacement. In the same manner, the Black Lab Cloudbook computer comes as an alternative to Chromebooks.
Black Lab Software’s NetOS operating system is based on Ubuntu Linux, but it differs from the main Black Lab Linux distribution in the way that it only uses cloud applications, just like Google’s ChromeOS. However, users will also have direct access to the main Ubuntu software repositories to install any of the available packages.
The Black Lab NetOS operating system is built around the Xfce 4.12 desktop environment and includes popular applications like VLC Media Player, Google Chrome, and Skype, along with numerous Web Apps, such as Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Netflix, Hulu, Outlook, Microsoft Office Online, or

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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