Ubuntu 16.04 proves even an LTS release can live at Linux’s bleeding...

Ubuntu 16.04 proves even an LTS release can live at Linux’s bleeding edge


A disappointing trend has become clear to Linux users in recent years. Whenever Canonical offers a new Ubuntu Long Term Support (LTS) release, it tends to be conservative in nature. Apparently no one wants to try to support a brand new, potentially buggy piece of code for half a decade.
Thankfully, perception hasn’t matched reality this time around for Ubuntu users. Ubuntu 16.04 is in fact the most exciting release Canonical has put out in recent memory. And after using it for the last few weeks, this may even be the best release Canonical has presented to date.
That’s good news for Ubuntu fans, but it’s also good news for Canonical. The company has largely ignored its desktop in favor of mobile dreams over the last few years. Those mobile plans are still coming—Unity 8, the Mir display server, and the “convergence” those tools will enable are still a big part of Ubuntu’s future. Instead, 16.04 largely focuses on improvement to the desktop. But perhaps the biggest change comes from Ubuntu’s experience on the server-side, namely the container packaging system Canonical calls Snap packages. The result is that, for the first time in a long time, Ubuntu’s desktop release feels like an actual release rather than something the organization feels obligated to push out every six months.

Source: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/05/ubuntu-16-04-proves-even-an-lts-release-can-live-at-linuxs-bleeding-edge/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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