What we expect at Google I/O 2016: Android VR, Android N, Chrome...

What we expect at Google I/O 2016: Android VR, Android N, Chrome OS, and more


Google I/O is right around the corner, and this year’s a bit different. Google’s holding the event closer to home — at Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, California. And everything’s happening outside in the cool breeze of the Bay Area. This is different scenery than the last several years that have at the Moscone Center in downtown San Francisco, and we’re hoping that this means the event itself is going to have some fresh scenery as well.
Among many other things, this year looks like it’s going to be heavy on virtual reality, with a little bit of Android N, Chrome OS, Project Tango, ATAP, and messaging sprinkled in for good measure…

Source: http://9to5google.com/2016/05/16/what-to-expect-google-io-2016/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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