Parrot Security OS 3.0 “Lithium” Is a Linux Distro for Cryptography &...

Parrot Security OS 3.0 “Lithium” Is a Linux Distro for Cryptography & Anonymity


Based on the latest Debian GNU/Linux technologies and borrowing many of the packages from the Debian 8 “Jessie” stable repositories, Parrot Security OS 3.0 has just received new Release Candidate (RC) ISO builds. Thus, users can now download and install them on their personal computer if they want to get an early taste of what’s coming.
Parrot Security OS is a cloud-friendly computer operating system, a penetration testing GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Linux and designed to be used in various computer forensic, cryptography, anonymity, reverse engineering, cloud pentesting, privacy, and hacking operations.

The distro also includes some of the best tools for Wireless testing, sniffing and spoofing, digital forensics, reverse engineering, mobile hacking, and reporting, all on top of the MATE 1.12.1 desktop environment.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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