Videolan releases VLC 2.0 for Android, adding features but reducing permissions

Videolan releases VLC 2.0 for Android, adding features but reducing permissions


VLC, the venerable and widely used multi-platform video player, received a major update on Android today, adding a number of highly requested features while managing to actually reduce the number of permissions it needs. That seems like an infallible sign of a trustworthy developer right there.
With version 2.0, compatibility now stretches all the way from Android 2.2 (that was “Froyo,” remember?) to N, whether that will end up meaning nougat, nilla wafer, or something terrible.
One of VLC’s original standout features (we’re talking a decade and more ago — some of you surely remember) has always been network playback — and with 2.0, that’s “mostly done.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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