Canonical Announces Snapd 2.0.9 with Full Snap Confinement on elementary OS 0.4

Canonical Announces Snapd 2.0.9 with Full Snap Confinement on elementary OS 0.4


One of the features promised by the Snappy developers during the release of Snapd 2.0.8 last week, was full confinement for the elementary OS 0.4 “Loki” operating system, which is currently in heavy development with a Beta build out the door for public beta testers and early adopters. So, now it’s official, full Snap confinement landed on elementary OS 0.4.
Other changes implemented in Snapd 2.0.9 are support for installing Snaps in devmode by default on GNU/Linux distributions that don’t yet offer full Snap confinement through AppArmor and seccomp, the ability for core Snaps to request a restart after installation, as well as support for the Rest API to send apps per Snap, thus allowing finer-grained control of Snap packages from the Software Center.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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