KaOS 2016.06 Moves the Distro to Linux Kernel 4.6, Adds Full-Disk Encryption

KaOS 2016.06 Moves the Distro to Linux Kernel 4.6, Adds Full-Disk Encryption


First and foremost, the devs have decided to move the distribution from the long-term supported Linux 4.4 kernel series to Linux kernel 4.6, which makes it possible to fully automate the early microcode update. Furthermore, the default desktop environment has been migrated to the Beta of the upcoming KDE Plasma 5.7.
Another goodie that has made it into today’s KaOS 2016.06 ISO image is the brand new Qt 5.7.0 GUI toolkit with its amazing technologies, which are perfect for a distribution running on top of the latest KDE software. Talking about KDE, the devs have also managed to add the latest KDE Application 16.04.2 software suite and the KDE Frameworks 5.23.0 collection of add-ons for Qt5.
However, probably something that most of KaOS users have expected for such a long time is full-disk encryption, which allows them to install the GNU/Linux operating system on an encrypted file system. Of course, the full-disk encryption support has been implemented in the installer via LUKS, for both the automated install and manual methods.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/kaos-2016-06-moves-the-distro-to-linux-kernel-4-6-adds-full-disk-encryption-505656.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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