Here’s How To Get .NET Core Running On Ubuntu

Here’s How To Get .NET Core Running On Ubuntu


After years of development, Microsoft’s open-source reboot of the .NET Framework, .NET Core, has reached version 1.0. Awesome… but how do you go about installing and using it on something other than Windows? Glad you asked.
To the rescue is developer Michal Wilczynski, with a short, but informative guide on getting .NET Core working on Linux, in this case Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Installation is straightforward enough, but actually using .NET Core productively requires a little extra work. If you just want to dive in, Visual Studio Code is your best bet. For those who prefer their own editor, you’ll need to set up Yeoman, as Wilczynski explains:
Since what plain .NET Core framework offers us in terms of scaffolding is quite minimalist (we can only dotnet new to create empty project), we must turn ourselves to other tools. One of the most popular (if not the most popular) scaffolder is Yeoman. If you’re Linux fan, you already know it very well from other projects.
For someone like me, who has spent most of their time developing for .NET on Microsoft platforms, having a guide such as this is incredibly handy. I’m sure I’d figure it out after a few hours, but that’s time I might not have to waste.
Keep in mind that despite hitting the big one-zero, .NET Core is still in its infancy — especially compared to Mono. So if you can’t get it working correctly right now, don’t stress too much. Give it a few months and check in again.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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