Mozilla Announces Servo Nightly For Mac And Linux, Windows And Android Builds...

Mozilla Announces Servo Nightly For Mac And Linux, Windows And Android Builds Coming Soon


The first public Servo Nightly Build was released recently by Mozilla to give interested users options to play around with the new web rendering engine for Mac and Linux platforms. However, the developers plan to release builds for Windows and Android soon.
This is the first tech demo of Servo, which Jack Moffitt, Servo project lead at Mozilla, had termed as “a next-generation browser engine focused on performance and robustness,” in March.
Servo is a new browser engine created by Mozilla Research and built by a global community of individuals and companies including Mozilla and Samsung.
The build comes with a browser wrapper which is still a little vehicle, and a new tab page, which has links to popular sites and graphical tests, which Servo handles a lot better than the current version of Firefox.
The Servo engine, which saw its first stable release in May 2015, is developed in Rust, which is a highly parallel yet very memory safe language, which are two great features for a web browser, especially on mobile and multi-core desktops. Servo is significantly faster than the Gecko engine but it will likely take a long time for Mozilla to put Servo into a release version of Firefox; such a change would likely be the biggest since Firefox launched.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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