Andromium’s $99 Superbook Converts Your Android Smartphone Into a Laptop

Andromium’s $99 Superbook Converts Your Android Smartphone Into a Laptop


Every now and then, Kickstarter tends to give us products and ideas which are received brilliantly by the crowd. These products offer simple and practical solutions, and the audience very obviously votes them to success with their wallets. One such product is Andromium’s Superbook.
By modifying Android to work as a desktop OS, AndromiumOS needed peripherals connected to your smartphone to provide the desktop experience. While the process was still simple enough, the approach wasn’t the most average-user friendly. The Superbook fixes the hardware aspect of this problem.
The Superbook will cost you $99 on Kickstarter, and comes with a custom USB-OTG cord and a charging adapter. Estimated delivery is for February 2017, but that doesn’t seem to deter other enthusiastic backers. As of writing this, the project already has 1,061 backers with $147,305 pledged with 29 days remaining for what was a modest $50,000 goal. There are additional perks on the stretch goal as well, and it is likely that a lot of these are met as well.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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