Ubuntu 16.04 Updated, Remembering Mandriva, Leap 42.2a3 Report

Ubuntu 16.04 Updated, Remembering Mandriva, Leap 42.2a3 Report


Canonical announced an update to their Ubuntu 16.04 Long Term Support Linux system. Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS brings many updates, bug fixes, and security patches as well as Snap app support. In other news, Christopher Tozzi is back again today with a look back at Mandriva Linux and Neil Rickert test drove openSUSE Leap 42.2 Alpha 3 released yesterday. Elsewhere, after all the hubbub over Linux Skype Alpha, Microsoft has announced it will discontinue the application soon.
Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS was released today to bring security and bug fixes to users. This release also features Snap support and improved graphics on lower spec machines. Some of the fixes include several LibreOffice crashes, various gnome-software errors, and lots of unity tweaks. The release notes contain known issues and workarounds. New media is available for fresh installs, see the announcement for download information.

Source: http://ostatic.com/blog/ubuntu-16-04-updated-remembering-mandriva-leap-42-2a3-report
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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