PuppEX Linux Live CD Now Based on Puppy Xenial, Compatible with Ubuntu...

PuppEX Linux Live CD Now Based on Puppy Xenial, Compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS


Arne Exton informed about the availability of a new stable build of its Puppy-derived PuppEX Linux Live CD distribution, version 160822, which is now using the latest kernel and software applications.
PuppEX Xenial 32-bit Linux Live CD Build 160822 is built from LxPup and uses LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) as default graphical interface for both the live session and after it’s installed on your PC. However, the new PuppEX release is powered by a custom 4.7.1-x86-pae-puppex kernel based on Linux kernel 4.7.1.
Being based on the Puppy Xenial (Xenialpup) GNU/Linux distribution, PuppEX Xenial is compatible with the binary packages in the .deb file format from the main software repositories of the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) operating system, which means you’ll be able to install any Ubuntu 16.04 software in PuppEX.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/puppex-linux-live-cd-now-based-on-puppy-xenial-compatible-with-ubuntu-16-04-507605.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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