Black Lab Linux 8 “Onyx” Beta 2 Has Full exFAT Support, Based...

Black Lab Linux 8 “Onyx” Beta 2 Has Full exFAT Support, Based on Ubuntu 14.04.5


Black Lab Linux 8 “Onyx” Beta 2 is here approximately three weeks after the launch of the first Beta build, and it adds a few local applications, among which we can mention the Abiword word processor, Gnumeric spreadsheet editor, Rhythmbox music player, Totem video player, GIMP image editor, Chromium web browser, and Thunderbird e-mail and news client. OpenJDK 8 (Java support) is available as well.
Based on the Linux 4.2 kernel packages that are being used in the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) operating system, Black Lab Linux 8 “Onyx” Beta 2 introduces full support for the XFS and exFAT filesystems, along with various web apps, such as Google Maps, Google Hangouts, YouTube, Google Photos, Google Contacts, and Google Translate.
Being based on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS, this second Beta development milestone of the Black Lab Linux 8 operating system also includes all the security updates that have been released upstream as of September 3, 2016.



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