Create Your Own Ubuntu 16.10 Live ISO with the New Linux For...

Create Your Own Ubuntu 16.10 Live ISO with the New Linux For All (LFA) Distro


Arne Exton, the developer of many GNU/Linux distributions and Android-x86 flavors, announced the release of a new version of his Linux For All (LFA) Live DVD.
Based on the latest Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) operating system, LFA Live DVD Build 161114 is a total rebuild, powered by the newest Linux 4.8 kernel and including various elements from the Debian Testing (Stretch) repositories, including the Refracta Tools, which let users create their own Ubuntu-based Live systems.
Also new in the LFA Live DVD Build 161114 release, there’s the Nvidia 370.28 proprietary video driver for owners of Nvidia GPUs, and the latest software versions from the upstream Ubuntu and Debian Stretch repos as of November 14, 2016. Best of all, you can download LFA’s Linux 4.8 kernel if you want to use it in another Ubuntu- or Debian-based distro.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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