Guix System Distribution (GuixSD) 0.12.0 GNU/Linux OS Adds New System Services

Guix System Distribution (GuixSD) 0.12.0 GNU/Linux OS Adds New System Services


Guix System Distribution (GuixSD) is a Linux-based, stateless computer operating system designed for power users. It uses the GNU Guix advanced package management system, and the latest version, 0.12.0, is here approximately four months after the previous release to add a bunch of improvements and new features.
Among the new features shipped with GuixSD 0.12.0, we can mention the addition of various system services, including a CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) printing service, an OpenSMTPD service, NFS (Network File System) related services, as well as a log rotation service. The Guix daemon offloading support was updated to use Guile-SSH.
Furthermore, Guix System Distribution 0.12.0 brings installation support on LUKS-encrypted root filesystems, a brand-new d3.js backend for Guix graph, new cross-compiler toolchains for the arm-none-eabi and i686-w64-mingw32 architectures, a bunch of various other small enhancements to the toolset, and many bug fixes to the manual.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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