Intel Haswell GPUs Now Support OpenGL 4.2 for Ubuntu Gamers in Padoka/Oibaf...

Intel Haswell GPUs Now Support OpenGL 4.2 for Ubuntu Gamers in Padoka/Oibaf PPAs


Ubuntu gamers relying upon their Intel Haswell graphics card series to play various games that support these GPUs will be happy to learn that the open-source Intel drivers now support OpenGL 4.2.
Until today, the Intel i965 graphics drivers offered by the well-known Padoka and Oibaf PPAs for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) and Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) operating systems exposed only OpenGL 4.0 for Intel Haswell GPUs, thus support for some demanding games just wasn’t there.
Last week, we told you that the Mesa team decided to change the versioning scheme of the devel branch to Mesa 17.0.0 from 13.1.0, a change that, apparently, will happen at the beginning of every year, and that developer Juan A. Suarez Romero announced new patches that implement support for Intel Haswell 64-bit vertex attributes.
Since then, we’ve been monitoring the Padoka and Oibaf PPAs, and only today, January 14, 2017, are these patches available in both of them for the Intel i965 open-source graphics drivers, along with the latest Mesa 17.0.0-devel series, of course.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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