Arch Linux 2017.02.01 Available For Download — Last ISO Release With 32-bit...

Arch Linux 2017.02.01 Available For Download — Last ISO Release With 32-bit Support


The Arch Linux devs have rolled out their freshly baked Arch Linux 2017.02.01 ISO images. This release is an important one as it’s the last ISO shipping with the support for 32-bit architecture. After this, future releases will only run on 64-bit machines. Powered by Linux kernel 4.9.6, the users can grab the images from Arch’s download page. The existing users have the option to perform an upgrade by running a single command.
Arch Linux is famous for being a highly customizable Linux distribution. The die-hard Linux fans love it. Also, it’s a well-established fact that installing Arch Linux needs more time and commitment, as compared to other beginner-friendly Linux distros. However, this feature, surprisingly, makes it a recommended Linux distro for a beginner user. Well, that’s the beauty of Linux where learning is an integral part of the experience.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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