DIY Linux laptop: Build your own for $240 with fully open source...

DIY Linux laptop: Build your own for $240 with fully open source Olimex Teres I


Bulgarian open-source hardware outfit Olimex has released the final designs and components for DIY fans to build their own modular Linux laptop.
Buyers have two choices for their machine. Devoted DIY builders can download Olimex’s CAD files for building the Teres I on its GitHub page, which offer schematics for hardware components such as printed circuit boards (PCB), keyboard and so forth, as well as all the Linux software components necessary to operate the hardware.
The other option is to buy the semi-finished Teres 1 laptop for €224 ($240), which is shipped as a kit that buyers assemble themselves.
If buyers follow the instructions correctly, they should end up with a 980gm (2.16lb) laptop featuring a quad-core Allwinner A64 64-bit Ciortex-A53 processor, an 11.6-inch LCD screen, 4GB flash storage, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, a camera, and 7,000mAh battery.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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