DEFT “Zero” Linux 2017.1 Lightweight Digital Forensics Distro Available For Download

DEFT “Zero” Linux 2017.1 Lightweight Digital Forensics Distro Available For Download


DEFT (Digital Evidence & Forensics Toolkit) is a Linux distribution that’s developed to cater the needs of the professionals and non-experts to gather and preserve digital evidence. This free and open source operating system comes loaded with some of the best open source applications for computer forensics.
The developers of DEFT recently released DEFT Zero, dubbed version 2017.1, that’s supposed to be the lightweight version of this hacker Linux distro. This release is here after about 2 years of hiatus by DEFT team.
DEFT Zero Linux 2017.1 needs lesser memory to run, 400MB to be precise. This means that you can boot this digital forensics operating system on an obsolete and low resource PC. It also supports 32-bit as well as 64-bit hardware, with Secure Boot and UEFI.
The other big features of DEFT Zero 2017.1 are the support for NVMExpress memories (MacBook 2015) and the eMMC memories.
Based on Lubuntu 14.04.02 LTS, the future releases of DEFT Zero will be developed in parallel with DEFT full version.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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