BlackArch Linux 2017-03-01 Hacking Distro Released With 50 New Tools And Kernel...

BlackArch Linux 2017-03-01 Hacking Distro Released With 50 New Tools And Kernel 4.9.11


There are many categories of Linux distributions. Just recently, I told you about the best Linux-based operating systems for beginners. Another popular type of Linux distributions is ethical hacking distributions, a list which is consistently ruled by Kali Linux.
Whenever we talk about Linux Kali alternatives, we often end up talking about Parrot OS. But, there’s another great option that’s based on Arch Linux. Yes, I’m talking about BlackArch Linux. I keep tracking its releases regularly, and today I’ll tell you about the freshly baked BlackArch Linux 2017-03-01.
BlackArch Linux 2017-03-01 is now available with an updated build that consists of lots of updated components and packages. This update of ethical hacking distro has added more than 50 new tools.
If you’re willing to try out the new tools and get these fixes, you can go ahead and grab the updated ISO files in Live and Netinstall version. The ISO files are available in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions. The Live ISO version has a complete and functional BlackArch Linux system and netinstall image is a light ISO for bootstrapping systems.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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