Parrot 3.5 “CyberGalleon” Hacking Distro Released With New Features

Parrot 3.5 “CyberGalleon” Hacking Distro Released With New Features


Parrot Security OS is often regarded as the best alternative to ethical hacking operating system Kali Linux. In late December 2016, we told you about the release of Parrot Security OS 3.3, which was powered by Linux kernel 4.8. The developers of the operating system called that release a “working snapshot of the bigger work.”
Now, after the hard work of about 2 months, the developers of Parrot Security OS, Frozenbox Network, have announced the official release of Parrot OS 3.5, which is codenamed CyberGalleon. This Debian-based ethical hacking operating system is based on Debian GNU/Linux 9 Stretch.
As expected, Parrot Security OS 3.5 ships with many updated and tested packages from Debian. This release is powered by Linux kernel 4.9.13. Soon, Parrot team will start working on its patches for Linux kernel 4.10.
Apart from that, the team has also worked to implement some new features and ditched some obsolete ones. The older packages that didn’t mean the Debian standards have been dropped. This includes the old and discontinued gtkdialog and some other software built on top of it. The other dropped packages are airmode and penmode.
About the new additions, native VirtualBox and VMWare guest support has been included by default in Parrot 3.5. It also comes with Cryptkeeper, ZuluMount, sirikali, onboard virtual keyboard, CUPS and printing support, and experimental Cinnamon support.
Parrot Security OS 3.5 also comes with a new virtual machine manager for controlling the VMs. It also comes with the new Firefox 51 by default.
This release comes with MATE Desktop Environment 1.16.1.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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