Chakra GNU/Linux 2017.03 “Goedel” Released to Support LUKS Encrypted Partitions

Chakra GNU/Linux 2017.03 “Goedel” Released to Support LUKS Encrypted Partitions


Dubbed Goedel, in the memory of the mathematician, philosopher, and logician Kurt Goedel, Chakra GNU/Linux 2017.03 is the first ISO snapshot of the KDE Plasma oriented distribution originally based on Arch Linux. The new release comes with a revamped Heritage theme and the Calamares installer with support for LUKS encrypted partitions.
Among the new components included in the Chakra GNU/Linux 2017.03 “Goedel” ISO snapshot, we can mention the KDE Plasma 5.9.2 desktop environment, KDE Applications 16.12.2 software suite, KDE Frameworks 5.31.0 collection of add-on libraries for Qt (both Qt 5.7.1 and 4.8.7 are included), Calligra 2.9.11 office suite, as well as the SDDM 0.14.0 login manager.
Under the hood, Chakra GNU/Linux 2017.03 is powered by the Linux 4.8.6 kernel and systemd 231. It comes with an updated graphics stack based on the Mesa 13.0.2 3D Graphics Library, X.Org Server 1.17.4, as well as the AMD Catalyst 15.9, Nvidia 370.28, Nvidia Legacy 340.98 and 304.132, xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.12, xf86-video-intel 2.99.917+722+g714052f, and xf86-video-ati 7.7.0 drivers.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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