Linux Mint 18.2 Could Replace MDM with LightDM as Default Login Manager

Linux Mint 18.2 Could Replace MDM with LightDM as Default Login Manager


The developer reveals the fact that the Xreader PDF and document viewer is undergoing a revamp to its user interface that should improve both the toolbar and the sidebar, add support for dark themes and symbolic icons, implement new buttons in the toolbar for fast switching between multiple view modes, as well as to make it work on touch screens.
Another core component that is going through a major revamp is the Update Manager, which will soon get refined levels to better filter updates for various situations, as well as to stage and review them depending on their level. Furthermore, there will be a big help section implemented to teach users about every aspect of the entire system update process.
In other great news, it looks like work on the upcoming Linux Mint 18.2 operating system is ongoing, and there’s a good chance that the LightDM display manager will be used as default login screen along with unity-greeter. This could mean that MDM (Mint Display Manager) might be retired. The team goes so far that they even created a tool (lightdm-settings) that makes configuring LightDM a breeze.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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