Cinnamon 3.4 Desktop Officially Released, It’s Coming Soon to a Distro Near...

Cinnamon 3.4 Desktop Officially Released, It’s Coming Soon to a Distro Near You


Linux Mint project leader Clement Lefebvre was happy to announce today the official availability of the Cinnamon 3.4 desktop environment for GNU/Linux distributions.
Prominent features of Cinnamon 3.4 include desktop grid, support for mozjs38, support for more Wacom devices, wildcard support in file searches, a new list widget for Spices settings, a multi-process settings daemon, desktop actions in the panel launcher, and separate processes for desktop handling and file manager in Nemo.
Also worth mentioning is better support for the configuration of sensitivity and acceleration for mice, support for lightdm-settings in System Settings, support for manage-systemd-units, extra configuration options for the screensaver, as well as theming engine improvements for margins and the system tray area.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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