Bodhi Linux 4.2.0 Ubuntu-based operating system now available

Bodhi Linux 4.2.0 Ubuntu-based operating system now available


Bodhi is an interesting Linux distribution thanks to its lightweight nature. If you have an older PC that isn’t particularly powerful, the operating system could breath new life into it. Unlike some other distributions that are light on resources, Bodhi is not ugly — its Moksha desktop environment looks rather modern. I highly recommend giving the OS a try.
Today Bodhi reaches version 4.2.0. It is quite the boring release, as there isn’t much to it. It is merely a rollup, incorporating many of the updates that were released since the previous stable version, 4.1.0. If you are already running Bodhi and have been installing updates, there is no reason to bother — this is more for those that aren’t already running the OS.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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