Ubuntu Kylin, a Linux Distribution with a Microsoft Windows Experience

Ubuntu Kylin, a Linux Distribution with a Microsoft Windows Experience


Ubuntu Kylin is an open-source Linux distribution based on Ubuntu since 2013, mainly developed by a Chinese team alongside dozens of Linux developers all over the world. It contains the basic features you would expect from Ubuntu, plus features a desktop environment and applications. As far as we know, Ubuntu Kylin is one of the most suitable Linux distributions for users who are farmiliar with Microsoft Windows, including its desktop environment, office suite and various applications.
The first release, Ubuntu Kylin 13.04, was distributed April 25, 2013, the same day as Ubuntu 13.04. The 9th release of Ubuntu Kylin, our latest version 17.04, was released on April 13, 2017. A highlight feature in Ubuntu Kylin 17.04, which is shown in Figure 1, is a desktop environment similar to Microsoft Windows called UKUI (Ubuntu Kylin User Interface). It provides a simpler and more enjoyable experience for browsing, searching and managing your computer.
Ubuntu Kylin is an official Ubuntu flavor with a featured desktop environment and applications. It resembles Microsoft Windows with UKUI, WPS suite, Youker Assitant and more, and it’s especially suitable for users familiar with Microsoft Windows.

Source: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/ubuntu-kylin-linux-distribution-microsoft-windows-experience
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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