TUXEDO Computers to Develop Own Ubuntu-Based Linux Distro Using Xfce Desktop

TUXEDO Computers to Develop Own Ubuntu-Based Linux Distro Using Xfce Desktop


Vinzenz Vietzke of TUXEDO Computers announced today that the German electronics manufacturer, which is known for selling laptops and desktop computers that ship pre-loaded with Linux, created their own distro.
The news comes just a week after System76 computer reseller announced Pop!_OS as their own GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu and the GNOME desktop environment, and it now looks like TUXEDO Computers follow suit and announce TUXEDO Xubuntu, their own Xubuntu-based distro, which will power all of their computers in the near future.
However, TUXEDO Computers have been shipping Linux computer pre-loaded with a highly customized Ubuntu operating system for some time now, so it’s safe to say that this is not their first rodeo. But it now looks like they are trying to develop a GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu and the lightweight Xfce desktop environment, which they find less resource hungry than other desktops.
So far, they modified the default system theme, icon theme, and boot logo, added the latest firmware and Nvidia drivers, pre-installed the Linux 4.11 kernel to provide better support for their computer, especially the battery unit, and also made various optimizations to the GRUB bootloader and other system-relevant files to achieve a significantly increased in performance and battery life for their computers.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/tuxedo-computers-to-develop-own-ubuntu-based-linux-distro-using-xfce-desktop-516821.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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