Debian 9.1 GNU/Linux Released With 26 Security Fixes

Debian 9.1 GNU/Linux Released With 26 Security Fixes


The Debian Project has announced the first update of Debian 9 Stretch, i.e., Debian 9.1. The first point release to this latest stable Debian branch comes with many security issue fixes and other adjustments.
Many of you might be already knowing that Debian 9.1 doesn’t constitute a new Debian version or bring new features. Instead, it only updates the existing packages. So, one doesn’t need to perform an upgrade or reinstall if he/she has already installed the all recent updates in the past few months.
Talking by the numbers, this release has brought 54 important corrections to different packages, including the likes of apt, openssh, perl, systemd, grub-installer, etc.
Apart from that, 26 security updates have also been added. In other related news, in May, Devuan GNU+Linux 1.0 was released. It was the first ever stable release of this Debian-without-systemd fork.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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