BackBox Linux 5 Released For Ethical Hacking And Pentesting Purposes

BackBox Linux 5 Released For Ethical Hacking And Pentesting Purposes


If you’re looking for an Ubuntu-based ethical hacking and penetration testing operating system, BackBox Linux can fulfill your needs. BackBox Linux 5 has been just released after 7 months of development. It comes with Linux kernel 4.8, updated hacking tools, and a new logo. Whenever we talk about the best ethical hacking Linux distributions, Kali Linux by Offensive Security and Parrot Security by Frozenbox network are often listed as the top picks. Another major name that comes to mind is Ubuntu-based BackBox Linux.
Back in December 2016, we told you about the release of BackBox Linux 4.7, which came with minor bug fixes, updated kernel, base system, and tools. It was released with an aim to give a stable and updated system to the users before the release of BackBox 5. Now, after a long wait, BackBox Linux 5 has been released. BackBox 5 ethical hacking Linux distribution is a major release which has removed some outdated tools and added new ones.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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