RoboCyberWall Aims to Block Linux Server Hacks

RoboCyberWall Aims to Block Linux Server Hacks


RoboCyberWall launched its proprietary precision firewall solution bearing the same name. RoboCyberWall is designed to protect HTTP and HTTPS (SSL) ports on Linux-based Apache2 and NGINX Web servers.
The patent-pending firewall blocks all known exploits and zero-day attacks on Apache2 and NGINX Web servers, according to the developer. It is the only firewall designed from the ground up to protect the Linux Apache2 or NGINX Web server’s root directory, as well as the document root directory.
The product’s Modular Security paradigm for Linux server perimeters has been hacker tested for more than a year. It is far more secure than yesterday’s all-in-one firewalls, according to the company, which describes them as “Jack of All Trades, Master of None.”
“RoboCyberWall-protected servers, despite thousands of attempts by multiple hackers challenged to do otherwise, have never been successfully hacked,” said John R. Martinson Sr., CEO of RoboCyberWall.
The Linux server firewall solution targets small and mid-sized business users. When coupled with fully compatible Web application firewalls from multiple vendors, RoboCyberWall provides a complete security solution, Martinson told LinuxInsider.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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