Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 “Stretch” Released With Tons Of Fixes

Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 “Stretch” Released With Tons Of Fixes


In late July, The Debian Project released the first update of Debian 9 Stretch Stable in the form of Debian 9.1. This has been followed by the most recent Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 release.
This second update mainly ships to bring tons of security update corrections and some serious fixes as well. The advisories of the security updates included in this release have been already published and are available for reference.
It’s worth noting that the usual update to the base-files package hasn’t been included in this release. In near future, an updated package will be made available via stretch-updates.
Some of the updated packages in Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 are apt, fife, flatpack, ipsec-tools, openvpn, vim, whois, Firefox, Git, etc. Linux kernel has been updated to rock solid 4.9.0-4. Added to the bug fixes, 62 security fixes have also been introduced.
This release removed clapack package as this fork of lapack has become outdated and remains unmaintained.
Long-time Linux users must be knowing that Debian 9.2 doesn’t contain a new Debian version or introduce new features. If you’ve already installed all the recent updates in the past few months, you don’t need to perform an upgrade or reinstallation.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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