Privacy lives! Purism Librem 5 Linux smartphone exceeds crowdfunding goal

Privacy lives! Purism Librem 5 Linux smartphone exceeds crowdfunding goal


As companies continue to violate our privacy, such as Microsoft with the latest version of Skype for iOS and Android, we slowly become desensitized to it. In other words, as time marches on, people slowly become more and more accepting of being spied on. This is tragic, as our private information has value, and many will simply turn it over in exchange for a free service or other nonsense.
Purism is a company that is fighting for your rights — regardless of whether or not you appreciate it. The company maintains the privacy-focused Pure OS Linux distribution, plus it manufactures very secure laptops with radio, webcam, and microphone hardware kill-switches. Purism also wants to produce a secure Linux-based smartphone, called Librem 5. Unfortunately, the company needed $1.5 million to get started. Well, folks, I am elated to say that earlier today, Purism met and exceeded that goal! In other words, it looks like the Librem 5 will become a reality.
Keep in mind, just because the company met its goal does not mean the campaign is over — there are still 13 more days to go. You can still donate money now to help make sure the project is a success. Not to mention, if you want to be one of the first to get the Librem 5, you will need to become a backer. For just $599, you can reserve yours now. Not only are you helping build a smartphone, but you are supporting the Linux community too. Most importantly, you are sending a message that your privacy is sacred and you are tired of being violated.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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