Kali Linux 2017.3 Ethical Hacking OS Brings InSpy, Sublist3r, and SMB3.0 Support

Kali Linux 2017.3 Ethical Hacking OS Brings InSpy, Sublist3r, and SMB3.0 Support


Coming two months after the previous release, Kali Linux 2017.3 is here with a new kernel, namely Linux 4.13.10, which adds better support for the latest hardware components, as well as all the security patches pushed upstream in the Debian Testing repositories, as well as various new tools.
First off, the Linux 4.13.10 kernel adds SMB 3.0 support to CIFS by default, rises the EXT4 directories limit from 10 million entries to up to 2 billion, and enables TLS support. Second, Offensive Security updated several of the included tools for this release, such as The Social Engineering Toolkit, Reaver, Burp Suite, PixieWPS, and Cuckoo.
On top of that, the Kali Linux 2017.3 release adds four new tools, namely InSpy for performing enumeration on LinkedIn to find people based on company, job title, or email address, the CherryTree note-taking app, Sublist3r for enumerating subdomains across multiple sources simultaneously, and OSRFramework for enumerating domains and users across more than 200 different services.
With the Kali Linux 2017.3 release, the ethical hacking and penetration testing distro is now shipping with the latest Maltego CaseFile bundle, which brings us both the incredible Maltego open-source information gathering tool and its little brother CaseFile. Users can still run the free Maltego Community Edition if they want, along with the Maltego CaseFile bundle, which is also free.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/kali-linux-2017-3-ethical-hacking-os-brings-inspy-sublist3r-and-smb3-0-support-518656.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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