Lakka 2.1 Linux Operating System Will Turn Your PC into a Retro...

Lakka 2.1 Linux Operating System Will Turn Your PC into a Retro Gaming Console


Based on the latest LibreELEC 8.2 embedded Linux operating system, Lakka 2.1 uses the recently released Linux 4.14 LTS kernel for the Allwinner images and the Linux 4.4.99 LTS kernel for Rockchip images. It supports S812 Amlogic TV boxes, improves HDMI audio for WeTek Play 2 systems, and fixes boot arguments of Odroid-XU3 and Odroid-XU4.
For Raspberry Pi SBCs and PCs, this release enables the performance governor and a real-time kernel by default to stabilize framerate and reduce input lag. In addition, it adds the ability to use your Raspberry Pi as a Wi-Fi access point (AP). The Raspberry Pi firmware was updated as well, and there’s now support for OpenSSL, again, as well as Samba 4.
Lakka 2.1 also introduces audio support for the RGB-Pi SCART adapter, support for twin joypads, such as Xin Mo, support for new Rockchip-based boards, including ROCK64, ASUS TinkerBoard, and MiQi, support for U-boot 2017.11 stable on all Allwinner and Rockchip boards, as well as improved TV detection and support for more resolutions on Odroid-XU4.
On the games side of things, Lakka 2.1 ships with the latest RetroArch 1.6.9 open-source frontend for emulators, which adds support for several new cores, including Citra (Nintendo 3DS), Dolphin (Nintendo GameCube and Wii), OpenLara – Tomb Raider, Redream (Sega Dreamcast), MeowPC98 (PC98), MelonDS (Nintendo DS), SameBoy (Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color), MAME2003-Midway, and px68k (Portable SHARP X68000).

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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