RIP Open Web: FCC Officially Votes To Kill Net Neutrality

RIP Open Web: FCC Officially Votes To Kill Net Neutrality


The past one year’s effort made by American citizens has been rejected by the Federal Communications Committee, headed by Ajit Pai, which has just voted to repeal the net neutrality rules established under the Obama administration. It looks like Christmas came pretty early for ISP giants.
In this process of killing net neutrality, the vote was 3 to 2. Along the party lines, Republican Commissioners voted in favor of the order; Democratic Commissions voted against the same. While Pai titled his order as “Restoring Internet Freedom,” Democrat Mignon Clyburn said it should be called “Destroying Internet Freedom.”
Now, broadband won’t be classified as a Title II service. As a result of this change, FFC won’t be acting as an active regulator of the broadband industry, allowing the companies to throttled or block websites/content as per their wish. The rich technology players would be able to avail services like paid prioritization. However, ISPs will need to disclose such practices.
That’s not all. Now, American states won’t be able to override the new order with their own legislation.
This development means that a new and bigger fight has just started. But, not everything’s lost. You can expect different lawsuits heading to courts in near future. Also, Congress has the power to pass a law and make things right.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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