Debian 9.4 Stretch GNU/Linux Released With 150+ Fixes

Debian 9.4 Stretch GNU/Linux Released With 150+ Fixes


One of the great things about using a popular Linux distro is that you keep getting timely upgrades, which ensure that you’re running a secure operating system. The same holds true for Debian GNU/Linux, whose development team keeps offering regular updates. Just a couple of days ago, the team pushed the fourth point release of Debian 9 “stretch.”
For those who don’t know, Debian 9.0 series is an LTS edition, and it’ll remain supported for the next five years.
Debian 9.4 comes loaded with many fixes for security issues and other serious problems. Separate security advisories for each of the security fixes have been already released earlier.
Just like all the other previous point releases, Debian 9.4 shouldn’t be seen as a major version as it doesn’t come with any new feature. In case you’re already running Debian stretch and you’ve installed all the recommended updates in the past, you won’t be missing much.
To be precise, Debian 9.4 comes with a total 89 bug and performance fixes in different packages; there are new upstream versions of Linux kernel, PostgreSQL, Flatpack, etc.
On the security front, there are 71 updates for packages like Tor, Wireshark, Thunderbird, Firefox, Linux kernel, LibreOffice, Drupal, etc.

submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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