“Safespaces” Is The First Open Source VR Desktop Environment For Linux

“Safespaces” Is The First Open Source VR Desktop Environment For Linux


When it comes to VR, we are mostly familiar with Google Daydream and other popularized names. But VR has made its way into the Linux as well. Although, people’s experience of things like SteamVR hasn’t been that great.
But how about getting your hands on a Linux desktop environment in virtual reality? The minds who developed the Arcan display server are now up to something new: Safespaces.
It’s a 3D/VR desktop environment currently in development. It’s designed to run on top of the Arcan display server. You can see it in action on a VR headset compatible with OpenHMD.
According to a blog post, the Safespaces is designed in a way that its code can be reused with little changes. The developers have made sure they don’t end up imitating or repeating the design model of Windows, Android, Xorg, etc.
The details of the open source VR desktop are available on GitHub. The developers warn that while testing the infant project, you might want to vomit. So, keep a bucket at hand.
The idea of using a Linux desktop in VR sounds good. But in reality, it’s going to be a lot more than just playing games and watching roller coaster videos. It would be interesting to see how people manage to use their keyboard while putting on a headset unless one is a trained typist.

Source: https://fossbytes.com/safespaces-first-open-source-vr-desktop-linux/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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