Federal administration relies on Nextcloud

Federal administration relies on Nextcloud


In order to save and exchange documents, the German federal administration will use Nextcloud in the future. The open-source cloud should run on its own server infrastructure, project staff do the support.
Around 300,000 users are members of the federal administration, which has been looking for a file-sharing and sync solution in a call for tenders via its IT service provider ITZ Bund (Federal Information Technology Center). It is all about the fact that the employees quickly and easily exchange documents and keep, but also work together on these.
The contract was awarded Nextcloud. The ITZ Bund has been running the cloud solution since October 2016 with about 5,000 users in the test. Thanks to a Nextcloud Enterprise subscription, the Nextcloud project will also provide support for the cloud in the future. It was important to the federal administration that the cloud solution can be hosted on its own servers, which the IT service provider controls. The “federal cloud”, as Nextcloud calls it in its announcement, is also compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO), which comes into force on 1 May 2018.
Another crucial point for the selection was the security. After the Bundestag hack the authorities are particularly worried about potential security gaps. The Nextcloud code is certified by Open Chain, a Linux Foundation project that verifies the compliance of open source software. There is also a bug bounty program.

Source: http://www.linux-magazin.de/news/bundesverwaltung-setzt-auf-nextcloud/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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