ONNX: the Open Neural Network Exchange Format

ONNX: the Open Neural Network Exchange Format


An open-source battle is being waged for the soul of artificial intelligence. It is being fought by industry titans, universities and communities of machine-learning researchers world-wide. This article chronicles one small skirmish in that fight: a standardized file format for neural networks. At stake is the open exchange of data among a multitude of tools instead of competing monolithic frameworks.
The good news is that the battleground is Free and Open. None of the big players are pushing closed-source solutions. Whether it is Keras and Tensorflow backed by Google, MXNet by Apache endorsed by Amazon, or Caffe2 or PyTorch supported by Facebook, all solutions are open-source software.
Unfortunately, while these projects are open, they are not interoperable. Each framework constitutes a complete stack that until recently could not interface in any way with any other framework. A new industry-backed standard, the Open Neural Network Exchange format, could change that.
Now, imagine a world where you can train a neural network in Keras, run the trained model through the NNVM optimizing compiler and deploy it to production on MXNet. And imagine that is just one of countless combinations of interoperable deep learning tools, including visualizations, performance profilers and optimizers. Researchers and DevOps no longer need to compromise on a single toolchain that provides a mediocre modeling environment and so-so deployment performance.
What is required is a standardized format that can express any machine-learning model and store trained parameters and weights, readable and writable by a suite of independently developed software.
Enter the Open Neural Network Exchange Format (ONNX).

Source: https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/onnx-open-neural-network-exchange-format
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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