Hands-On with First Lubuntu 18.10 Build Featuring the LXQt Desktop by Default

Hands-On with First Lubuntu 18.10 Build Featuring the LXQt Desktop by Default


Lubuntu developer Simon Quigley approached us earlier today to inform that the latest Lubuntu 18.10 daily build is quite usable as he and his team did a lot of work in the past week to accommodate the LXQt desktop environment by default instead of the LXDE desktop environment.
The main difference between LXDE and LXQt is that the former is written with the GTK+ 2 technologies, which will eventually be phased out in favor of the more advanced GTK+ 3, and the latter is built using the Qt framework. However, it doesn’t look like there are any plans for LXDE to move to GTK+ 3.
That’s why LXQt was created in the first place, as a fork of LXDE that offers computer users a classic desktop environment with a modern look and feel, and supported for a long time thanks to the Qt technologies, on which the popular KDE Plasma desktop environment is built.
Long story short, the first Lubuntu release with the LXQt desktop environment by default will be Lubuntu 18.10, due for release on October 18, 2018, as part of the Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) series. And the first daily build is now available for testing on both 64-bit and 32-bit architectures.

Source: https://news.softpedia.com/news/hands-on-with-first-lubuntu-18-10-build-featuring-the-lxqt-desktop-by-default-521200.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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