4MLinux 25.0 Distro Hits Stable with Full Zstd Support, Linux Kernel 4.14.39...

4MLinux 25.0 Distro Hits Stable with Full Zstd Support, Linux Kernel 4.14.39 LTS


With the 4MLinux 23 series reaching end of life on June 3, 2018, the 4MLinux 25.0 operating system has been promoted to the stable channel in the same day, allowing users to upgrade their installations as soon as possible. 4MLinux 25.0 has been in development for the past six months and includes numerous improvements, updated components, and new features.
Powered by the long-term supported Linux 4.14.39 kernel, 4MLinux 25.0 is the first release of the Linux-based operating system to ship with full support for Facebook’s Zstandard (Zstd) data compression algorithm. It also improves handling of CA certificates so you won’t have to accept them manually and finally lets users disable the login screen.
The software collection of 4MLinux not only was updated with some of the most recent versions, but it suffered some interesting changes, such as the addition of MPV as default media player with the GNOME MPV front-end. Other media players like SMPlayer, MPlayer, VLC, and Xine can be installed through downloadable extensions.

Source: https://news.softpedia.com/news/4mlinux-25-0-distro-hits-stable-with-full-zstd-support-linux-kernel-4-14-39-lts-521421.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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