DebConf19 Debian GNU/Linux Conference to Take Place July 21-28, 2019, in Brazil

DebConf19 Debian GNU/Linux Conference to Take Place July 21-28, 2019, in Brazil


Curitiba is the capital of the southern Brazilian state of Paraná, a beautiful city with numerous attractions. To celebrate 11 years since the first DebConf Debian developer conference was first held in South America, the Debian Project announced earlier this year that next year’s DebConf event would be hosted in Curitiba, Brazil.
And, now, Debian Project’s Laura Arjona Reina announced over the weekend the dates when the developer conference will take place. Therefore, DebConf19 will take place from July 21 to July 28, 2019, but the usual Debian Open Day event is scheduled a day early, for July 20, 2019, welcoming all Debian users, not only developers.
Furthermore, the Debian Project will organize a DebCamp event, which usually occurs the week before DebConf conference takes place. So for next year’s DebConf19 conference, DebCamp will take place from July 13 to July 19, 2019. For more details about the DebConf19 conference, such as accommodation and traveling information, please check out the official wiki page.
This isn’t the first time a DebConf event is held in Brazil as the first one, DebConf4, was hosted in Porto Alegre. DebConf is Debian Project’s main event of the year and represents a vital experience for Debian developers from all over the world, which can get together to share their knowledge and laid down the plans for the next major release of the Debian GNU/Linux operating system.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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