Google’s Test For Censored Chinese Search Engine Impressive: Sundar Pichai

Google’s Test For Censored Chinese Search Engine Impressive: Sundar Pichai


Google is developing a censored search engine for penetrating the Chinese market. Dubbed as the project Dragonfly, the search engine will suppress the search results that will defy the country’s policies.
After some initial obstacles like a group of Google employees signing a letter demanding privacy in the project and vice president Mike Pence advising the tech giant to discard the project, there is finally good news for Google.
Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO said in an event held by Wired that the results of the internal tests conducted on the under-development search engine are promising.
Speaking about the search engine, Pichai said that their mission is to provide information to everyone and China represents 20% of the world’s population.
Emphasizing on the fact that the project means a lot to the company and they do not want to upset the Chinese government again, Pichai said, “People don’t understand fully, but you’re always balancing a set of values, but we also follow the rule of law in every country.”
Google pulled back its services from China long back after a rift with the government, and since then the tech giant is itching to enter the country again owing to the presence of a 1 billion internet users there.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


  1. “Speaking about the search engine, Pichai said that their mission is to provide information to everyone and China represents 20% of the world’s population.”

    And yet, the (Chinese) search engine WON’T be providing “information to everyone”, because it will be withholding much of the information on the Internet…

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