Pantheon Desktop Makes Linux Elementary

Pantheon Desktop Makes Linux Elementary


Elementary OS is an easy-to-use operating system that offers a fresh approach to running Linux.
Developers of U.S.-based Elementary OS recently released the community’s annual major update, Juno 5. What makes this distro so nontraditional is its own desktop interface, called “Pantheon.”
This desktop interface is somewhat of a hybrid, inspired by Apple’s Debian Ubuntu-based OS X. The Pantheon desktop’s design is very deliberate and extremely functional. It combines some similarities of the GNOME 3 Shell with the visual finesse of the OS X dock.
Its Ubuntu underpinnings are anchored under the hood. What you see and use on the screen gives Elementary OS a distinct look and feel. Even the software center app, which in typical Ubuntu-based distros has the same appearance as the Ubuntu package manager, is part of the community’s well-maintained software distribution system..
AppCenter is a built-in app store for downloading both free and paid apps that are specifically designed for Elementary OS. In fact, the developers seem to stretch the concept of offering “free” open source applications.
For instance, a website statement maintains that “every single app in AppCenter is open source because we firmly believe in the world-changing power of freely-licensed code and open source software.” The developers also have apps offered with a price.
What’s the catch? Ultimately, there is no catch. You can pay what you want — if you want to pay anything at all.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


  1. If memory serves, OSX’s formerly open source Darwin core was forked from FreeBSD, not any Linux distro.

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