Tails 3.11 fixes security holes and offers small improvements

Tails 3.11 fixes security holes and offers small improvements


With the Tails distribution, users can surf the Internet securely and anonymously via the Tor network without cumbersome configuration. Above all, the new version 3.11 updates the supplied software.
So now runs in the background of the Linux kernel 4.18.20. The Tor Browser logs in version 8.0.4 and Thunderbird is included in version 60.3.0.
In addition to these updates, the developers have also changed two minor details: If Tails has downloaded an update, users must confirm the import of the same via a new dialog. In addition, if one operates Tails in a virtual machine, the system immediately warns the user that the host system may not be trusted.
All new features list the official release notes. Due to the bugs fixed, users should switch to Tails 3.11 as soon as possible.

Source: http://www.linux-magazin.de/news/tails-3-11-stopft-sicherheitsluecken-und-bietet-kleine-verbesserungen/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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