Ubuntu Linux Devs Working To Further Reduce GNOME Shell CPU Usage

Ubuntu Linux Devs Working To Further Reduce GNOME Shell CPU Usage


The development work of Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo is going on in full progress. In a related development, according to a recent report from Phoronix, the Ubuntu developers are working to reduce the CPU usage of the open source operating system.
Specifically, Canonical’s Daniel Van Vugt has shared his updates on different bug fixes that aim to reduce the GNOME Shell’s CPU usage by a third for maximized windows.
The biggest fix comes in the form of eliminating tons of CPU usage when a window redraws while touching the dock. The public Trello board of Ubuntu 19.04 development cycle also shows that there is a long list of latency bugs affecting the Shell when the frame rate is smooth.
Moreover, Gnome Shell shutters and jadders a lot more than other shells. The developers have already fixed tons of small bugs and they’re working to bring more changes to the operating system.

Source: https://fossbytes.com/ubuntu-reduce-gnome-shell-dock-cpu-usage/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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