LXQt 0.14 Desktop Adds Split View in File Manager, LXQt 1.0 Still...

LXQt 0.14 Desktop Adds Split View in File Manager, LXQt 1.0 Still in Development


LXQt 0.14.0 is the latest version of the lightweight desktop environment that continues the legacy of the LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) project based on recent Qt technologies. This version comes eight months after the LXQt 0.13.0 release to add yet another layer of enhancements and other optimizations.
Highlights include a new Split View in the PCManFM-Qt file manager, which is the Qt port of the PCManFM file manager used in LXDE, as well as better handling of the desktop and mounted devices. Taking about the desktop, it can now show icons for Computer, Trash, Network, and user’s Home directory.
Of course, the Trash icon is interactive so you can empty it or restore items you’ve accidentally deleted. LXQt 0.14.0 also adds support for rendering image EXIF data and ImgBB as new upload target for the LxImage-Qt image viewer, as well as history-based tab switching and custom margins to the QTerminal terminal emulator.
Under the hood, several dependencies have been changed with the LXQt 0.14.0 release, which requires the C++ ISO Standard 14, lxqt-build-tools 0.6..0, and cmake 3.1.0 or later. Most of the core packages have received translation updates as well, and all translations were moved back to their respective repositories.

Source: https://news.softpedia.com/news/lxqt-0-14-desktop-adds-split-view-in-file-manager-lxqt-1-0-still-in-development-524700.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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